Programs for Families
Part of nurturing children so they can achieve their potential includes building the capacity of our society with the goal that ‘every young child is thriving and learning’. ECA NT regularly facilitates a variety of programs for children and families to offer strong pathways including supported playgroups and parenting programs.
Little Geckos
Little Geckos is a supported playgroup which offers therapy through play in a group setting. The group is run over eight weeks by a trained facilitator and the techniques are based on The Hanen Program, ‘It Takes Two to Talk’. The aim of the program is to teach parents step-by-step ways to help their children develop language through everyday interactions.
If you would like to read more about the Hanen Program, you can find out more by clicking the link below.
Envisage is a fully funded program open to parents and caregivers raising children aged 0-8 years with disability or developmental concerns. This five part program has been co-designed with parents, carers, service providers, health professionals and researchers to empower families.
Find out more about the program here:
Circle of Security
The Circle of Security is an eight week parenting program based on decades of research about how secure and parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened