Early Childhood Australia

Northern Territory

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is the national peak body for early childhood, advocating for children birth to eight years. ECA is committed to building the capacity of the early childhood education sector and is your gateway to professional knowledge and networks. Our vision is that ‘Every young child is thriving and learning.’ To achieve this, we champion the rights of all young children to thrive, learn and play at home, in the community, within early learning settings and through the early years of school. Our work builds the capacity of our society, including families and early childhood professionals, so that every child—regardless of location, household income or individual needs—can be nurtured to achieve their potential.

The Inclusion Support Programme (ISP) supports early childhood education and care services and their teams of educators across the NT to include all children. We do this through our work as the Northern Territory Inclusion Agency (NT-IA). We support both the Northern and Southern regions of the NT and manage the Specialist Equipment Library (SEL) and the Sensory Tool & Equipment Library (STEL).

The Inclusion Agency consists of a team of Inclusion Professionals (IPs) who work directly with eligible Early Childhood Education and Care services to:

  • Improve their capacity and capability to provide quality inclusive practices

  • Address participation barriers and include children with additional needs alongside typically developing peers.

gym 4 growth & development (g4gd®) is a fun-filled supported physical activity program which provides active and appropriate movement activities for children birth-five years and their families/carers.

The g4gd® program has been developed by Early Childhood Australia NT as a universal, supported physical activity program. The g4gd® program provides active and appropriate movement opportunities that enable children, (babies, toddlers, and preschool aged) to explore, develop and refine the skills that are essential for healthy physical and neurological development.

ECA NT is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) partner delivering the early childhood approach in the Darwin Urban region, including Palmerston and Litchfield. The early childhood approach is a nationally consistent approach for working with children younger than nine who have a developmental delay or disability and their families.

We provide pathway supports for children birth-nine years who have a developmental delay or disability and their families/carers.